12-year-old orphan Peter is spirited away to the magical world of Neverland, where he finds both fun and danger, and ultimately discovers his destiny -- to become the hero who will be forever known as Peter Pan.
Joe WrightWriters:
Jason Fuchs, J.M. Barrie (characters)Stars:
Levi Miller, Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund |Storyline
12-year-old orphan Peter is spirited away to the magical world of Neverland, where he finds both fun and danger, and ultimately discovers his destiny -- to become the hero who will be forever known as Peter Pan.
Movie Reviews
Pan is the best movie I have seen in a while. Although it is based on the story of Peter Pan, the story is original. It tells the story of how Peter Pan came to be, a sort of back story. It is the tale of Peter in search of his mother whom he has never met. His search takes him from the ordinary world to the stunningly beautiful Neverland. The cast is great and do a great job. Hugh Jackman is not even recognizable as Blackbeard the pirate. Wow is Rooney Mara beautiful as Tiger Lily. The story flows very well and is worth seeing in 3D on the big screen. It is a very fun movie to watch and worth seeing a second time. Once again the critics are wrong.